NEW! Advanced Pediatric Certificate Live Online or Self-Study Online


Advanced Pediatric Certificate

Live Online Virtual Learning or Self-Study Self-Paced Online

Are you a CSNN graduate who has a niche working with children and families or would you like to further develop these skills? 


This exciting new Advanced Holistic Nutrition Certificate is comprised of 2 workshops: Part 1 Pediatric Symptomatology and Part 2 Childhood Epidemic Health Issues. The certificate will be 19.5 hours total. Receive a certificate after successful completion of each workshop plus a specialty certificate upon completion of a certificate package.

Flexible Learning

These workshops will be available at select branches via Live Online Virtual Learning or Self-Study Online.

Exclusive Workshops

These new workshops are exclusive to CSNN graduates, with brand-new CSNN Pediatric intake forms and NSP forms. 


Graduates who have taken updated Pediatrics course (updated 2022) will have advanced standing.

AN122A Pediatric Symptomatology Part 1

Purpose: To gain an understanding of the pediatric intake forms and develop programs for families and children to reach their health goal.

The CSNN LAF and NSP forms give our graduates the unique ability to assess and consult an individual. It is based on these forms that new pediatric LAF and NSP forms were developed. Students will gain an understanding of how to use these intake forms to assess a child’s nutritional needs. They will also learn specific motivational interview skills and techniques regarding how to consult families, parents, and children. Students will learn the importance of working with other healthcare professionals, making referrals when necessary, and the legal implications of consulting children.

CEUs: 3.0 | Association Upgrade Hours (CAHN-Pro & CANNP): 9 hours

AN122B Childhood Epidemic Health Issues Part 2

Purpose: To gain an understanding of the various health conditions that have become an epidemic and that plague our children’s health. The health conditions discussed in this course can co-exist, overlap, or be independent, which can impact the type of protocol suggested to the child and family. Many health conditions that co-exist, or overlap can have the same root issue of the condition.

This course was developed due to the epidemic in many illnesses that are affecting the health of our children. Illnesses such as allergies, asthma, learning and behavioural disorders, feeding problems, and obesity have become more prevalent and have reached alarming rates in children of all ages. Understanding the root issues of these illnesses and the future health effects on children is important to be able to address the nutritional imbalances and develop the necessary program to help families.

CEUs: 3.2 | Association Upgrade Hours (CAHN-Pro & CANNP): 10.5 hours

You need to have taken the updated NN110A Lifecycle Nutrition – Pediatric in order to take these new workshops.

The Pediatrics course was updated in 2022. 


Click to expand the tab below to see what has been added to the course. Graduates will receive a certificate once they complete the course with at least 80%. 


To register for the upgraded Pediatric course, please contact your preferred branch and join a Live Online class (Zoom). You can also choose to study at your own pace through the Self-Study Online format from Distance Education.

Updated Pediatrics Course Description

From Cradle to College: Pediatrics Explored

  • The maternal microbiota is one of the relevant factors in the development of the infant’s immune system; the theories regarding whether or not the uterine environment and fetus are sterile or have microbial communities; and the effect, if any, vaginal birth vs caesearian birth has on the baby’s microbiome.
  • Allergies in children are increasing, list the most common food allergens, and list the possible reasons for increased risk of allergy according to the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study. New studies and the reasoning behind introducing potential allergic foods before 6 months of age instead of waiting until after age 1, and age 3 in the case of peanuts, as previously believed. 
  • “Picky or fussy eating”, the prevalence, and the parenting style that can contribute to its development, and why pressure to eat or using food as a reward sets up a power struggle between parent and child and even encourage picky eating.
  • How poor sleep impacts a child’s performance, energy, and mood, and the consequences for both the child and the parents. Hours of sleep school age children need and the negative effects of losing sleep for even one night. The two types of sleep problems and explain why falling asleep fairly quickly is so important and contributing factors to poor sleep habits. 
  • The sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythms and explain the importance of the body’s levels of serotonin and melatonin in keeping that rhythm on track. List the nutrients needed to make serotonin and melatonin, explain what decreases melatonin production in the body and list food sources of melatonin. 

Register Today!

The below branches are offering the new Advanced Pediatric Certificate workshops via Live Online. Self-Paced Self-Study Online is available via Distance Education.

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