CSNN Edmonton is happy to offer 10 separate culinary workshops that can be taken separately for important nutritional information, or, if all 30 hours of classes are attended, will result in a Culinary Certificate from CSNN.
Designed to enrich kitchen skills and confidence, students are introduced to an array of whole foods, diverse methods of food preparation, and how certain techniques can enhance the restorative qualities of food. With 30 hours of experiential learning available, students sharpen their practical abilities while deepening their knowledge of whole foods and holistic health.
Students who complete all 30 hours of training will receive CSNN’s Holistic Culinary Certificate. Classes are taught by Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ professionals and professionally trained chefs. They are designed to integrate the benefits of food into the kitchen, provide recipes, and give students increased confidence and skill in the areas of meal planning, food shopping, and food preparation.
(Note: Topics subject to change for each session)
CSNN Edmonton
*By appointment only
Edmonton, AB.
T6E 5A6
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