There are many labels that we can use in describing the different types of dietary lifestyles. Vegan, Carnivorous, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Omnivorous just to name a few. Regardless of which one you choose to adopt, one concept that can improve results is by becoming a conscious eater. This means making eating intentional instead of unintentional. Our...Read More
Once you have made the decision to plunge into the field of holistic nutrition, the next step is to find the best school to help you get the necessary accreditation to lead to a successful career. But, wait. You need to ponder a couple of things before arriving at a decision. Be clear about what...Read More
Holistic Nutrition The concept of holistic nutrition has evolved in relatively recent times. The sedentary lifestyle adopted by people coupled with unhealthy eating habits, consumption of processed foods on a large scale and the prevalent use of pesticides and chemicals in the manufacturing of foods has given rise to many forms of ill health. Thus...Read More
by Debora Palmieri, BASc, R.H.N. | As a holistic nutritional practitioner, a common complaint I hear is that organic foods are too expensive. While I don’t disagree, I feel that the benefits of eating organic far outweigh the cost. However, the good thing is that there are plenty of ways you can still enjoy...Read More
by Rachel Murray, R.H.N. What does Organic really mean? ‘Organic’ has become a very loose and overused term in our society. However, the systems that have been put in place, which I should add, are constantly evolving, that regulate organically grown foods and products are highly valued by those involved in both the production and...Read More
Prepared by: Tricia Sedgwick, R.H.N. | Nutrients in Fresh Produce Have you ever wondered why fresh produce from the grocery store can lack flavour or even be tasteless? Or have you compared the taste of a conventional supermarket tomato to a fresh plucked, organically grown, warm, juicy, sun-kissed tomato off the vine? If you...Read More