
In times of stress, it’s normal to seek comfort to ease our worries. For some, this might mean soft music and meditation. In contrast, others may prefer to drown their anxieties in liquor and pharmaceuticals—the reality of our human condition dictating the measures we use to comfort ourselves. Most commonly, however, we will seek comfort...
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Many people have significantly less access to grocery stores right now. Even when you do get to make a trip to the store, it can feel stressful and, in many places, certain foods are out of stock. Read this article to learn more about taking great care of your body during this time of limited...
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Have you been snacking out of control while sitting around in self-isolation? Have you found yourself mindlessly eating to evade boredom, stress, and anxiety? Overeating is a common complaint from those stuck at home right now. This is a problem!!! First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that our immune health and our nutritional wellness...
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Are you currently working from home with small children and losing your mind over family mealtime? Have you resorted to quick options like taking out fast food or low nutritional value foods? Are you coming up short when it comes to organizing, preparing, and serving your family healthy and nourishing dinners? If you are dealing...
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At the onset of this year, no one could have predicted the dynamic turn of events we would soon face. I’m overhearing numerous accounts of those who have transitioned from stable livelihoods to suddenly failing relationships, skyrocketing financial stress, and parents who are ready to go postal. The topic of mental wellness is taking precedence...
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The world of fasting, cleansing, and detoxification is quickly evolving into a more recognized domain. Within this realm exist dietary strategies such as one-meal-a-day (OMAD), time-restricted feedings, intermittent fasting, extended water fasting, and juice cleansing. Layered into this sandwich of autophagy-focused nutritional paradigms are supplements and alternative therapies designed to support our natural detoxification processes....
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My journey into the world of skin health started in early adolescence. Call it what you may, I was the typical ‘hormonal’ teenager. The severity of my acneic breakouts rivaled my fiery and explosive temperament. Despite all of my glaringly apparent signs and symptoms of internal dysfunction, I refused to take accountability for my health....
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Have you found yourself stress eating in the past few weeks? I know many of us are looking for consolation in our foods as we attempt to sit out the coronavirus pandemic. Our desire to be comforted in these times can lead us to make poor or lackluster dietary choices. Haphazardly reaching for cakes, cookies,...
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I am writing this article with well-meaning intentions in the midst of our Coronavirus pandemic. As the virus continues to evolve, so do our levels of stress and uncertainty. Whether it be job layoffs, having to stay home with the kids, reduced work hours, or self-quarantine, we are all in some way affected by what...
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If you’re a holistic nutritionist, or any kind of holistic health practitioner, you probably love cooking up delicious, nourishing food! Sharing photos and recipes from your creations can be a great way to serve and support your social media audience and online community. You can also create recipe books and meal plans to give for...
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