The New Online Business Revolution and How it Benefits Holistic Nutritionists

Over the past several years, businesses have been doing more and more in the online space, but many were forced to make the switch in 2020. So many companies have switched over to having their employees work remotely, and there are new online businesses popping up every day from entrepreneurs who are ready to make an impact in the world.

Online business works really well for holistic nutritionists. At this point in time, people have become used to virtual consultations with practitioners because they had to during the time that clinics were all closed. Even my grandmother knows how to use Zoom now! More than ever, people are searching for online practitioners to work with. You can make this work for you by taking your holistic nutrition business online. Here’s why it’s a great idea:

1. Make your schedule work for your life instead of the other way around
Our work-life balance, or lack thereof, is one of the things that has become so apparent in recent months. When you have an online business, you get to decide what hours you work. You are able to see clients in every time zone, so those weird hours that you like to work that don’t make sense in a brick-and-mortar clinic in your local area can still work for you if you practice online. Working online makes it easier to book off a couple hours to take a kid to an activity or go to an appointment. Taking care of yourself becomes easier when you are your own boss and your schedule is much more flexible.

2. Make an income and help people while you rest
This is one of my personal favourite things about running an online business. You can create programs and products that educate and help people take care of their health. These programs and products can be always available for purchase and require no input from you after you have created them, besides the occasional support email. This means that you can spend time taking care of yourself while making an income at the same time. When you shift from trading time for money to creating something once and continually selling it, so much of your time opens up for doing what makes you feel good like hanging out with your family or going for a walk or prepping healthy meals.

3. Reach the exact people who need you the most
In the online space, people have endless practitioners to choose from when they decide to work with someone. A lot of options is not necessarily a bad thing. When you show up as yourself in your online business, you will attract the people who need exactly what only you can give to them. They aren’t working with you because you’re the only holistic nutritionist near their house. They are working with you because they are drawn to your perspective and your approach. This allows you to become matched up with your dream clients. Nothing is more satisfying than helping the people who need you the most.

4. Create global connections
Another thing I love about online business is that you can make so many more connections. One of the best things to ever happen to me is meeting like-minded practitioners in all kinds of related fields through interviewing them for my podcast. I’ve met confidence coaches from Australia, psychologists from California, nutritionists from Canada, and so many more. In the online world, it is so incredibly easy and fun to network with people in the health and wellness space. Not only can you learn from them, but you can support each other knowing that you have an online business in common.

Does this sound great but you’re not sure where to start?  I’ve written a series on getting your online holistic nutrition business off the ground. Click here for part 1.

Contributed by Melanie Maxwell, R.H.N.