
Discover the root cause of why you can’t sleep, and what you can do about it. For many people, their sleep troubles are a symptom of another problem. Find the root cause of your sleep troubles to help you stop tossing and turning all night.   From bedtime habits to stress reduction, let’s take a...
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For most of us, the problem is not making resolutions to eat healthier, but figuring out how to stick with your healthy eating habits.   The solution is small – actually, it’s almost micro!   Even the smallest changes in your routine can have a big impact on your health. You already know that all-or-nothing...
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With high grocery prices, many of us are searching for the most affordable food and it’s resurged the debate whether you should buy fresh or frozen. We often find ourselves standing in the grocery store aisles, contemplating the pros and cons of each.    Fresh vs Frozen: Which is Better?  Let’s break down what research...
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Let’s face it – eating healthy can sometimes feel like it requires a bottomless wallet. With the high cost of food, it’s challenging to maintain a nutritious diet without breaking the bank. With a little creativity and some savvy strategies, it’s entirely possible to nourish your body without emptying your pockets.   What’s the Average...
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A holistic approach to women’s health recognizes how physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being are interconnected. It’s more than just treating symptoms – a holistic approach to women’s health seeks to address the root causes and create a comprehensive plan for health and wellness. Here’s how holistic strategies, particularly holistic nutrition, can be helpful in the...
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 With 1 in 8 women likely to be diagnosed in their lifetime with breast cancer, it’s important to explore a natural, holistic approach to breast health. There are many popular beliefs leading women astray – it’s time to bust myths surrounding breast health. Let’s empower Canadian women to find natural, holistic breast health habits that...
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It’s about more than avoiding synthetic pesticides – organic food is actually part of a holistic lifestyle that supports your mind and body, says science. You’ve heard organic food called trendy terms, like “cleaner”, “nutritious”, or even “more delicious”. But, organic food may also make you feel good. Why Are People Switching to Organic Food?...
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  You want to help your clients eat, move, and live better.  As a fitness pro, you know nutrition is important for performance and for a healthy body transformation. Personal trainers know best how training impacts your client’s nutrition requirements. But, how do you become a personal trainer that’s qualified to give nutrition advice? Why...
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Powerful, delicious, and packed with health benefits – no wonder we love pumpkin spice season. Why is the Pumpkin Spice So Good? Every fall, pumpkin spice, also known as the pumpkin spice latte (PSL) movement blows into town with an increasingly stronger following. Just one whiff of pumpkin spice sends your taste buds into a...
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6 Holistic Ways to Help Your Kids Have a Healthy Back-to-School Truth is, school-aged kids get sick. Luckily, we’ve got simple ways you can help your kids have a healthier school year.   Let’s be honest – the worst part about back to school is the return of snotty noses, stomach flu, and other gross...
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