
CSNN National Page > Toronto > Testimonials
studying holistic nutrition at CSNN Metro Toronto


Thanks for your great coordination with this Understanding Lab Workshop. This course introduced to not just understanding lab, but also related to nutritional interconnection knowledge. The contents of this workshop is very rich essence. The instructor Corina is fantastic presenting excellent knowledge. I learned a lot from this workshop. I will reference the course materials for my clinical work. It is very valuable and worth to pay,  much over my expectation. 

Thanks Vivian and Corina again.

Sally T., R.H.N.
Testimonial for CSNN Instructor and AHN Workshop

Thank You for Teaching a very interesting class with a lot of great learning and information that helps us further our application to continuing our knowledge in the Health and Wellness spectrum. Although a lot of overwhelm of information within a short period of time, felt like when we were back in our Zoom Classes with information overload, which we did catch up with eventually!!

Thank You again for a good learning experience in your class.

Nancy F., R.H.N.
Testimonial for CSNN Instructor and AHN Workshop

The curriculum at CSNN is rigorous and provides students with an online opportunity for classes without jeopardizing the quality and experience of learning. All CSNN courses strive to provide education beyond a foundational understanding of the human body and its needs. Beyond courses, CSNN provides practicals, live case studies, class discussions & presentations, and projects that all allow students to practice and improve their critical thinking, communication, teamwork, organizational, and written skills that all serve to support their academic growth in this field.

Vida S., R.H.N. - Class of 2022

I selected CSNN as my school of choice for various reasons: 1) The alumni that have gone to CSNN are leaders in nutrition who I share the same values with 2) The CSNN teachers are very qualified and/or have also gone through the program, 3) The schedule allowed me to work at the same time, 4) Having learnt about the practical sessions during my conversation with Vivian prior to registering with CSNN was something that was extremely appealing to me 5) CSNN’s mission is something that I largely value and deeply believe in.


There were numerous aspects that I loved about CSNN’s program, but what I enjoyed the best were the diversity of courses and their application as a registered holistic nutritionist. Coming from a science background, I found that often during my undergraduate degree I would learn the necessary material in class just to be tested on my memorization skills. The courses at CSNN taught the particular fundamentals and necessary background information, but also exactly how and when to apply them. For example, our chemistry course. Chemistry is often feared and perhaps overlooked, but everything that we learnt in the course is exactly applicable to our roles as holistic nutritionists. That is something I value and appreciate. It is one thing to learn material, but another to be able to recognize and understand the importance and application.

Julianna M., R.H.N. - Class of 2021

After I completed a B.A.Sc. in Applied Human Nutrition, I wondered if there was still more to learn about nutrition from a non-clinical perspective. I then found CSNN and discovered that my academic journey was only beginning. CSNN built onto the knowledge that I had gained during my undergraduate program and incorporated different ways of thinking and approaching the needs of clients. One of the greatest experiences I had during the natural nutrition program was the connections you create with the instructors. As professionals, they truly want to see their students succeed and apply what we learn to real life experiences that they have had. I now feel that I have a full scope of what the power of nutrition can offer to clients and to my own health. 

Paige P., R.H.N. - Class of 2021

I loved my time at CSNN. I found the teachers (who were either RHNs or NDs) to be incredibly knowledgeable, passionate about their craft, and able to make someone who actively avoids science, able to understand the material. I was drawn to holistic nutrition through my vegan journey and love for the earth, along with my own personal health journey. I finished the program being confident in my knowledge and ability to apply it to everyday situations and learned that I thrive off of educating people on how to achieve a better quality of life through diet and holistic lifestyle choices. The class sizes are manageable, the students are from every walk of life meaning a variety of knowledge and opinions, the courses are engaging and hard but not too hard to digest and you leave feeling like you’re better equipped to live in today’s society. 

Jess P., R.H.N. - Class of 2020

My experience at CSNN was nothing short of transformative! I felt like a sponge while I was in class – soaking up all the information I could. I loved the perspectives of all my teachers who had unique backgrounds and interests in various fields of nutrition. While I enrolled mainly for the nutrition and food component of the program, I found myself absolutely loving the lifestyle component and the emphasis on mind-body-spirit connection. 

I truly feel that I gained so much during my time at CSNN. I graduated with the confidence to start my own nutritional consulting business, Clarity Wellness, and have regularly implemented my learnings from class to consultations with my clients. I recommend CSNN to anyone who is looking to deepen their connection to themselves and to their health and wellness through holistic living and nutrition!

Clare H., R.H.N. - Class of 2019

I chose CSNN because of the great impression it made on me. It seemed exactly what I needed, a school based on great principals, balanced and with a mission behind it. I found out it was so much more, and the teachers were fantastic. The staff were supportive from the start and especially after graduation, to help me achieve my goal in helping to change the world!

Alexander Arthur, R.H.N.
Class of 2018

Ann chose CSNN to deepen her knowledge of the body, mind and spirit connection and she was immediately drawn to the holistic aspect of the program. The experience of attending CSNN was invaluable in giving her the tools and knowledge to help her clients feel their best and to build relationships with like-minded individuals that continue to support and uplift one another. Obtaining her R.H.N. designation allowed her to discover her life’s passion of helping others!’

Ann Sirenko, R.H.N.
Class of 2017

I chose to pursue holistic nutrition due to going through some personal health obstacles through University. Suddenly my career path and interest changed from Psychology to Nutrition from experiencing first hand the importance of nutrition in how you feel mentally and physically. I chose CSNN because I was impressed with how they were just as serious as I was about quality education and experiences, their full time schedule allowed me to continue to work, and I enjoyed that the classrooms were small so each student could really learn, interact and absorb the material. On Day 1, I thought I had learned so much (all we talked about was water) that for the first time, I actually became really excited to read textbooks and do homework.

Sarah Maughan, R.H.N.
Class of 2009

My time spent studying as a mature student at the CSNN Toronto branch has been the highlight of my career! Being a busy Mom with two young children, I found the director of the school to be very flexible which allowed me to maintain a balance between school and home life. The instructors were  extremely knowledgeable, up to date on current nutritional research. The smaller classroom size is conducive  for  discussions that you could not have in most post secondary schools. You are able to learn things that you can’t find in text books.  The practicums were very valuable and allow you to become educated on topics not taught in detail in the classroom. Professional practitioners, and some in the medical field relay their knowledge on specialized topics such as detoxification, allergies, stress, herbology, and  environmental issues. Being a member of the  CSNN Alumni will further allow me to maintain  friendships with like minded people, keep me abreast of new developments in the field, and also for networking purposes. The alumni meets monthly and also puts on the annual RHN Conference.

Michelle Weir, R.H.N.
Class of 2008

Update: After years of private practice, Michelle returned to CSNN as an instructor sharing her clinical experience and industry knowledge with our students. She has also been contributing tremendously to support the growth our Alumni Community.   

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Contact Information

CSNN Metro Toronto

150 Eglinton Avenue East – Suite 302 (Yonge & Eglinton)
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 1E8  Canada

Tel: (416) 482-3772
Email: toronto@csnn.ca

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