Alexander Arthur is dedicated to changing the world. After graduating from Kinesiology and Environmental Studies, Alexander started TAC Sports to help change the confidence and sport skills of students all over the world. He has since started Strong Food, a cooking and nutrition company designed to help students learn how to cook nutritious whole foods and learn about the benefits of plant-based whole foods.
Alexander is dedicated to increasing accessibility to good food, ensuring everyone gets a daily workout in and stays strong, plus Eco-Nutrition, how to farm sustainably. These principles can be found in his new upcoming book, StrongLife.
I chose CSNN because of the great impression it made on me. It seemed exactly what I needed, a school based on great principles, balanced and with a mission behind it. I found out it was so much more, and the teachers were fantastic. The staff were supportive from the start and especially after graduation, to help me achieve my goal in helping to change the world!