Facebook: @essentialbalanceholistic
Instagram: @essentialbalanceholistic
In full-time private practice since 2007 and founder of Essential Balance Holistic Health, Eileen is a multi-faceted holistic health practitioner who is passionate about helping clients of all ages and backgrounds improve their health, vitality and quality of life.
Trained in holistic nutrition, iridology, acupuncture, allergy recognition and elimination, holistic cancer therapy, and pain-release emotional freedom techniques, Eileen helps clients one-on-one with a variety of health issues, including hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, mild to severe allergies and sensitivities, chronic health issues, and deep-seated emotional issues. Eileen takes a special interest in her long-term illness and cancer clients, addressing their unique nutritional, emotional and lifestyle needs with specially-designed one-on-one sessions to help them feel empowered and get back in control. As well, Eileen regularly presents health-focused workshops.
Eileen has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, is an Advanced Registered Holistic Nutritionist™, Certified Iridologist (C.Ir), Certified Acupuncturist (C.Ac), Certified Professional Cancer Coach (CPCC), Registered Holistic Allergist (RhA), and WHEE Pain Release practitioner.
Additionally, Eileen is president of a provincially-recognized sport organization, and sits on the board of a national non-profit foundation to increase public education about mental health. Since 2005, Eileen is a Certified Black Belt and Certified Coach of Chinese martial arts.