Irene Swedek


Irene Swedak graduated with honours from the University of Guelph in 1996 where she attained her Bachelor of Science Degree, specializing in biochemistry and nutrition. After receiving an honours diploma in holistic nutrition, Irene began practicing as a Nutritional Consultant professional and founded Wellness Wizards. She is a registered member of the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants.

Irene has had the opportunity to work with several Naturopathic Doctors and Natural Therapists in different clinical settings. She continues to network with these professional practitioners regularly and on a referral basis, and considers these relationships invaluable. Irene’s clinical experience and exposure to the Health Food Industry have resulted in her expertise with respect to supplement and vitamin recommendations.

Irene currently teaches Nutritional Ecology and practicals at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Her lecture topics include: Menu-planning for: Hypoglycemia & Diabetes; Special Dietary Needs; Vegetarianism and Busy Lifestyles. Irene has a keen interest in the nutritional and ecological benefits of organic foods, and keeps the students up to date with lectures, current news, and research on this topic. The current focus of Irene’s research and seminars is on menu-planning for busy families with children.

Irene lectures frequently for both public and private organizations. Recent venues include the Peel School Board, Weyerhaeuser Corporation, The Running Room, Loblaws, Whole Foods Market, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Popular topics have included: Natural Nutrition for Healthy Living, Nutritional Tools for Stress Management, Effective Natural Approaches for Weight Control, and Detoxification & Cleansing.