Website: HealthNow.Today
Facebook: @Michelle.Post3
Instagram: @post.michelle
LinkedIn: Michelle Post
Michelle Post is a C.H.N.C. Holistic Nutrition Consultant and certified professional co-active coach. She has graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and both Wellness Business Systems and Metabolic Balance® programs and has continued her education in Iridology.
Michelle has formed several groups to create a community of health all the way from taking your first steps in nutrition to the greatly acclaimed Metabolic Balance® program to help you understand your unique body system and what foods create energy and harmony from within. As a Metabolic Balance Coach, Michelle also shares the power of this amazing program with other Holistic Nutritionists and Nutrition Consultants across Canada, to help empower their own businesses, save immense time, and share how important an individualized meal plan is to each body.
As the director of Women Talk Calgary South, Michelle helps women share their story, as a public speaker, so women can have their voices heard. #YourStoryMatters. She’s written her first book No Sweat, a Woman’s Guide to Glorious Holistic Menopause, and currently creating the acclaimed, Saved By Nutrition Anthology, a book of testimonials from Holistic Nutritionists and Consultants across Canada, sharing their personal story how holistic nutrition changed the trajectory of their lives, for the better.
Michelle is the CEO of Health Now Nutrition Inc., a nutritional publishing company, to help nutritionists share their stories, with education in story writing, book writing, and public speaking. Michelle is on a mission to empower the industry of Holistic Nutrition by empowering each individual nutritionist or nutritional consultant across Canada. If you are a highly educated Holistic Nutritionist or Consultant across Canada and have an amazing story to tell how holistic nutrition contributed significantly to your life, feel free to contact Michelle and discuss the details of your story.”
The reason that I chose CSNN was because it had the most amount of education on nutrition, than the other schools that I had compared it too. I was discovering what Holistic Nutrition meant at that time and CSNN made it very clear. I am very proud of the education that I received from CSNN, and its academia.