Melisa Cannella, R.H.N.

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Sometimes it takes a personal health struggle to push you on a new path. Taking the Natural Nutrition Program gives you the tools to improve your own health and inspire you to do the same for others. CSNN graduate Melisa Cannella had a career “a-ha!” moment that changed her life and career for the better.

Connect with Melisa

Facebook: @melcannourish

Instagram: @melcannourish

YouTube: mel can nourish

Twitter: @melcannourish

LinkedIn: Melisa Cannella

Tell us about yourself!

Prior to becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™, my career resided in broadcast media where I was a Senior Manager of the TSN Brand Partnerships team. Here I ideated, built, and executed customized brand campaigns for the network that ran on multiple media platforms across Canada. Following a 16-year tenure with the company, I decided it was time to shift my focus and pursue my dream of becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ to fulfil my life’s goal of helping others simplify health and wellness so that they can create the best version of themselves.

Why did you decide to work in this industry?

I decided to work within the industry of health and wellness because it has always been top priority in my life. I remember reading many books and magazines at such a young age that surrounded ways to achieve optimal nutrition, balance mental health and inspire spiritual growth. When I stumbled upon CSNN later in life, it was the most euphoric feeling as it felt like the program had been waiting for me all this time.

What brought you to study holistic nutrition at CSNN?

I choose to study holistic nutrition because it effortlessly weaves the body, mind, and spiritual connection into all aspects of health and wellness vs. a sole focus on diets, macronutrients, micronutrients etc.

How did you choose your specialty/area of focus?

My area of focus as a registered holistic practitioner is specifically geared towards simplifying health and wellness for clients so that it becomes a sustainable way of living. Layered into this is a great focus on mental health as everyone – no matter who they are, what they do for a living or where they live – will suffer with mental health issues at some point in their life while many others suffer on a day-to-day basis with no reprieve. It is important that all my clients are educated on how nutrition, supplements and lifestyle play an enormous role in balancing our internal systems.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

A day-in-the-life of Mel … hmmmm … great question. Each day looks different which is what makes it super exciting. Some days are client focused where you can find me in client sessions, reviewing health assessments, producing custom protocols, meal plans while also checking in regularly with coaching calls. There are days when I’m scripting, shooting and editing educational videos for my YouTube channel while on other days, I’ve got a mix of things going on like creating content for my social platforms, preparing presentations for group talks, and helping produce marketing videos in the holistic nutrition space given my experience as a holistic nutrition professional and background in television production.

What was your career "a-ha" moment?

My career “aha” moment was what preceded my life-altering decision to leave my 16-year corporate career. Ten months prior to making the jump, I returned to my management role as a new mother of two children excited to dive right back into the workforce and do wonderful things. But what followed was unexpectable. During my days back at work, I began to wean my baby off from nursing since nursing 5x a day was impossible when separated from my son. Through weaning, adjusting to my job and coping with PTSD from my son’s recent febrile seizure, this perfect storm spiraled me into a deep Delayed Post-Partum Depression given it was 15 months post birth of my son where hormones were still trying to balance themselves out from lactation. This Delayed PPD forced me to take a mental leave where I had to rehabilitate daily in all aspects of life: physically, mentally and emotionally. It was through this troubling time that I recognized the importance of homeostasis within the body at all phases in life and how suppressing feelings due to a “hectic life” isn’t the right answer. It was at this point that I knew I needed to learn more and teach others.

Was there a particular course at CSNN that motivated you towards your career path?

The courses which motivated me to move towards my career in Holistic Nutrition were those centered in science – Chemistry, Biochemistry, Anatomy and Pathology – as they delved deep into the physiological processes within the human body and brain allowing me to understand the body’s true essence and role.

OMG, OMG, OMG … you were the first person I wanted to share this with! Today I hit my 50-pound weight-loss! All I did from November until now was continue clean eating as you taught me – I even added more food to my daily intake and increased walking a bit more and lost maybe a couple of pounds here and there. I didn’t pay attention too much to losing weight just to the way I felt when I ate until I reached another 10-pound loss! I feel amazing!!! I love you for teaching me how to love myself and eat to lose. Thank you, Mel.

Client Testimonial for Melisa

What is your favourite thing about what you do?

My favourite part of my career is the ability to educate and inspire others on how just a few simple life tweaks can make a world of difference on one’s health and wellness journey. I constantly emphasize the importance of sustainability over fads since diet culture in today’s society has a way of encouraging quick-fixes over long-standing results.

What's your go-to recipe?

I love my Golden Milk Recipe (aka – Turmeric Latte) which I drink often. It’s a deliciously warming beverage that dates back many centuries. I fell in love with this drink years ago as a substitute to my morning coffee when I acquired sensitivities to caffeine. The main ingredients are turmeric, ginger and cinnamon which all contain anti-inflammatory properties – amazing for arthritis, heart disease, cancer, brain health – you name it. Especially beneficial this time of year with the rise in influenza as curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal which can help fight nasty infections. The beauty of Golden Milk is that it’s super easy to prepare and can be enjoyed any time of day – for breakfast, as a snack, as a substitute for sweet cravings or even as a pre-bedtime beverage.

What are your 3 favourite things in your fridge/pantry?

  1. Miso Paste to make delicious Miso Soup as it is a fermented product that aids in digestion and is loaded with beneficial bacteria and enzymes along with many other nutrients.
  2. Grass-fed Butter as it’s so delicious especially when coating steamed vegetables, sweet corn or to simply use for high heat cooking as it has a higher smoke point. I also love it because it’s rich in beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin K2.
  3. Red Radicchio: Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my red radicchio and eat it in my largest bowls. I’m a fan of bitter vegetables and this qualifies as one of them. It boasts a ton of health benefits like liver support, it aids digestion due to its high fibre content, it’s high in vitamin K and is rich in antioxidants due its beautiful colour.

Mel – there are not enough words in the universe to express what you have done for me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. This journey has brought me to a beautiful place of acceptance with my new reality. You are my mentor, cheerleader, and friend. Thank you for everything and thank you for making me feel so important. I could go on forever. I am so grateful.

Client Testimonial for Melisa