Empower Yourself with Holistic Nutrition

Study at Canada’s largest leading school for holistic nutrition. Whether you are looking for an exciting and fulfilling new career or you want to learn how to achieve optimal health, we invite you to explore CSNN’s Natural Nutrition Diploma Program and our other workshops and certificates. 

CSNN Programs and Certificates

Natural Nutrition Diploma Program

Join the 12,000+ graduates worldwide and earn a diploma, professional designation and title. Whether you are looking to start a career in the Holistic Nutrition industry or are interested in improving your own health and wellbeing, this life-changing program will help you achieve your goals.

Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Certificate

Get a taste of holistic nutrition with this fun series of workshops. Discover a new way to look at holistic nutrition that can benefit you and your family. Available at select CSNN branches via Zoom or Online.

Introduction Certificate

Learn the fundamental ideas behind healthy holistic nutrition with the Introduction Certificate. Students will gain a good appreciation of the basic principles required to make informed dietary decisions and take control of their own well-being.

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Contact us at victoria@csnn.ca if you have any questions.

Self-Study Online


Distance Education

Self-study online format allows students to create their own schedules. This is for students who prefer to work on courses in the program on their own, reaching out to an academic advisor when they need one. The self-study method is good for students who are self-disciplined to stick to the schedules they have created.

Click below to request a brochure from the CSNN Distance Education branch.



Passionate about holistic nutrition and wellness? Want to empower yourself and learn to achieve optimal health?

  • Multiple Locations Across Canada + Online Distance Education
  • Classrooms have in-person or online interactive formats (Zoom); Distance Education has a self-study online format. Learn more about Flexible Learning Formats.
  • Flexible full-time and part-time study options
  • Comprehensive, practical, science-based curriculum
  • Gain a fulfilling career in the complementary healthcare industry

Course Descriptions

Here are just a few of the nutrition courses in the Natural Nutrition Program. You can see the full curriculum here. Feel free to check out your preferred branch website here.

Nutritional Symptomatology

Nutritional Symptomatology is a simple, yet valuable science used for the assessment of nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. This course will address nutritional imbalances as they affect different body systems. The student will be introduced to the effective use of assessment tools to identify nutritional imbalances, explore the nutritional measures recommended to rebalance the body and help reduce the risk of illness, and write the client case study report in a professional manner.

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology gives a general overview of the eleven body systems, explaining the structure and shape of the body and its parts as well as the relationship among them. This course covers the physiological processes by which the eleven systems operate.

Hormone Health

The stress of modern-day life has led to an epidemic of hormonal imbalance resulting in crash diets, sleeping pills, and anxiety medication. This course explains why it is not normal to feel fatigued, anxious, fat, and irritable, and the steps needed to reset your hormones to get back to feeling vibrant and joyful.

Motivational Interview Skills

This course introduces students to Motivational Interviewing (MI)—an approach to support clients in achieving positive behaviour change when addressing their health challenges. This course presents the background philosophy and components of Motivational Interviewing and outlines techniques to apply the principles when conducting holistic nutritional consultations. The student will be provided with resources and practice opportunities for integrating MI into the practice of holistic nutrition.

Lifecycle Nutrition - Sports

This course provides scientifically-based, well-researched information on the relationship between nutrition and sports performance. It covers topics such as how food is used for energy, the importance of each macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) in fueling an athlete, proper hydration, sports supplements, and ergogenic aids, as well as how to calculate optimal caloric and macronutrient requirements specific to individual athletes and their goals. In addition, recommendations for vegetarian, female, younger, older, and competitive athletes, respectively, will be discussed.

Cook Your Way to Better Health

These culinary workshops are designed to enrich kitchen skills and confidence. Students are introduced to an array of whole foods, diverse methods of food preparation, and how certain techniques can enhance the restorative qualities of food. Workshops include International Cuisines, Alternative Baking & Raw Sweets, and more. 

What do our grads say?

I chose CSNN to study holistic nutrition due to the positive feedback I got from past alumni. As I was new to the natural wellness space, I wanted a community to support and uplift me. CSNN was exactly that. I found the teachers to be very informative while maintaining a more hands-on and discussion-based learning approach which I greatly appreciated. I couldn’t be happier with the practical knowledge gained from CSNN and the lifelong friendships built. 

K. McKersie, R.H.N.
Class of 2021

I absolutely loved the content and the courses at CSNN. If you have an interest in nutrition and holistic health, you will love this program! The biggest challenge were the case studies at the end but they were definitely worth it! You never really grow and solidify the learnings until you start putting them in practice. The case studies and the final exam really help boost your confidence. I loved the program!

D. Belanger, R.H.N.
Class of 2018

CSNN provided me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge, skills and understanding with regards to truly embodying a holistic lifestyle, upon realizing that I wanted to pursue formal education in the field of Natural Nutrition. Attending CSNN was a life-changing experience, in that it provided me the confidence and tools to both envision and launch a private nutritional consulting practice. The Natural Nutrition program not only impacted and supported my health on a personal level, but provided me the avenue to be of service to others and impact the lives of others in indescribable ways.

J. Pecush, C.H.N.C.
Class of 2017

After dealing with a cancer scare in my early 20s, I started to get curious about what I could be doing to make sure I was living my best, healthiest life.  My research eventually brought me to CSNN’s website, and after looking at the course list and all the amazing topics that are covered in the program, I was immediately sold and signed up the next week.  The program was honestly the best investment I’ve ever made. I consider the knowledge I learned to be the most precious gift and I am so honored that I now get to share it with others

K. McEwan, R.H.N.
Class of 2009

CSNN Branches

Study from Anywhere! CSNN’s classroom locations can serve communities beyond their geographical area. Distance Education’s self-study online format has added free webinars and workshops to the Natural Nutrition program.

We recommend you to reach out to your preferred branch for more information on studying at CSNN. They can help you with details regarding schedules, registration, payment plans, interest workshops, and more. 

Distance Education

Classroom Branches

Start A New Career

Thinking about finding a new career path? A Holistic Nutritional Consultant professional graduating from CSNN is a professional trained in Natural Nutrition and complementary therapies, whose principal function is to educate individuals or groups about the benefits and health impacts of optimal nutrition. There are multiple industries where they can work and flourish. 

Monthly Bulletin

Every month, CSNN highlights a different theme as it relates to holistic nutrition. We invite you to explore the various topics to see articles, recipes, tips & tricks, videos, and other resources from our knowledgeable community of holistic nutrition professionals.

Life-Changing Experiences

  • CSNN changed my life, I have been practicing for several years and have helped so many people. I loved the teachings and materials provided. There is great effort put in place for the teachers that are chosen to teach, and many of them have so much experience and knowledge to share. The grading was challenging and I think it should be. I feel empowered to help people and knowledgeable to treat everyone as a unique person. There are many bonus courses you can take after you graduate to specialize your education. I am proud to have the RHN designation. I am proud to be a graduate of CSNN.

    Emily Burtnik, R.H.N.
    CSNN Graduate, 2016
  • I found a home at CSNN. It was the first time I felt like I was among a group of like-minded people, who all were passionate about health and helping others. I learned so much about the human body and about the impact food can have on all body systems. I graduated in 2014 feeling prepared to start my own business, and still work with clients to this day.

    Sarah Klesko, C.H.N.C.
    CSNN Graduate, 2014
  • I graduated CSNN in August of 2022 and I’ve already launched my business & have reoccurring clients! I’ve managed to help cholesterol levels, PCOS, post menopausal weight loss and so much more. Knowing how to look at people as unique individuals has been so powerful in helping me change so many women’s lives.

    Cheyenne Atkinson, C.H.N.C.
    CSNN Graduate, 2022
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