

Prepared by: Allison Tannis, MSc, R.H.N. | Are you going about weight loss the wrong way? Ditch the diet! There is no one size fits all solution. Is it possible you’ve been thinking about this all wrong? Dieting doesn’t equal sustainable weight loss. In fact, most people would say dieting results in frustration. Successful,...
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Prepared by Debora Palmieri, BASc., R.H.N. | Love ‘em or hate ‘em pulses, commonly referred to as legumes, are the newest superfood in town and for good reason! Although, they have been around for thousands of years, pulses are now moving into the spotlight. This year has actually been voted to be the International...
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Prepared by: Debora Palmieri, BASc, R.H.N. | What do kombucha, kimchi, and kefir have in common? If you aren’t yet familiar with these probiotic powerhouses, you may not realize that these are all fermented food items. Now growing in popularity, kombucha can be found on almost all grocery store shelves and for good reason....
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Prepared by: Jessica Mitton, C.H.N.C., CNE  | Superfoods are certainly all the rage these days. Everywhere you go, people are trying to get these nutrient-dense foods into their diet, and marketers are pushing their so-called ‘super’ products like they’re the next big thing. But what exactly are superfoods and are they really, well, super?...
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Prepared by: Jenn Camirand, BA, R.H.N., CNE  It is within our biological nature to accept current circumstance, adjust necessary behaviours, and then, adapt to environment, be it internal or external.  Our ability to adapt is directly, if not intrinsically, linked to our humanity, to the very genetics that keep us alive, and safe from extinction....
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Prepared by: Heather Lillico, R.H.N., R.Y.T.  | Nobody likes feeling anxious, but anxiety does serve a purpose. It alerts you to danger and allows you to either fight back or run away. A little warranted anxiety keeps you alive, but when you’re living in a constant state of nervousness and fear, that’s when it...
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Prepared by: Orsha Magyar, M.Sc, B.Sc, C.H.N  |  CEO & Founder, NeuroTrition Inc. How we feel emotionally really resonates in our gut. When I get nervous about something or feel that something isn’t right, for example, I literally feel “butterflies” in my stomach. And stressful experiences can drastically change my appetite from urgent food cravings...
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Prepared by: Tara Patriquin, R.H.N., RMT | Staying healthy is a balancing act between immune boosters and immunity drainers. After all, we’re surrounded by things that compromise our immune system on a daily basis; whether it’s pollution, questionable lifestyle choices, or viruses, for example. It seems that at no time do we hear more...
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Image via Vegan Liftz / Unsplash
Image via Vegan Liftz / Unsplash Prepared by: Debora Palmieri, BASc., R.H.N. | You wake up before your alarm goes off and jump out of bed ready for the day ahead. You wash your beautiful face and fix your lovely tresses; no beauty care products needed because you have a great complexion and soft,...
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Prepared by Michelle Waithe, BaSC, R.H.N. The heart is the powerhouse of the cardiovascular system which is an intricate system of blood vessels that allows nutrients to get where they need to go and transports harmful substances out of the body. Unfortunately, if you are putting harmful substances into your body the cardiovascular system becomes...
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