

Prepared by Shannon MacLean, R.H.N., C.H.N.C., BA-IR  Be Specific Using child-centric nutrition phrases has been studied to increase kids’ openness to trying new foods. Phrases such as: “vegetables keep you from getting sick”, “protein helps you learn”, “fish makes us smarter”, “eggs will make you grow stronger”, and (especially effective for aspiring superheroes), “this grass-fed...
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Prepared by: Ian Dalwood, C.H.N Yoga has hit the West with such momentum it seems you can find a studio in almost every neighbourhood. It is a reflection of how we, as a collective, really are becoming more mindful of how to take care of our bodies. And this is a wonderful thing! The next...
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Prepared by: Olivia Kelava, R.H.N. Turmeric is kind of like the movie star who appears to have emerged from nowhere. You think she just got plucked from oblivion and dumped into a starring role, but really she’s been grafting all her life, playing an extra in the background and accepting supporting roles before finally catching...
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Written by Kristina Virro, R.H.N. and Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) of Fresh Insight for CSNN)  “I only eat one meal a day—and even then, it’s going to be something from a fast food restaurant,” said Kendra*, tears running down her face. This was the third time I’d met with her in the hopes of improving symptoms associated with...
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Prepared by Joanna Brown, C.H.N.C. The holidays are a time for happiness, quality family time and relaxation, right? If only it would be that ideal. The stress levels shoot up in many people during the holiday season. There are so many decisions to make, things to do, people to see, and obligations to meet. The...
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Prepared by: Tamryn Burgess, R.H.N.| If we asked you what we recommend as the number one tool to immediately start experiencing relief from anxiety and stress, not to mention improve your overall health and well-being, would you know the answer? Many people sit and mull this over, not realizing that the tool we are...
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Prepared by: Sharon K. Summerfield, R.H.N.| Over the past 18 months rates of Burnout have increased. Transitions from working in the office to working at home, have accelerated the intensity. Technology continues to be a blessing and a curse. My definition of Burnout: Being exhausted on every level. The joy you once felt is...
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9 Science-Backed Holistic Tips for Healthy Skin Prepared by: Allison Tannis, MSc., R.H.N.| You can have healthy skin naturally with these 9 holistic beauty tips. The key to healthy skin is about limiting inflammation. Inflammation plays a major role in how the skin looks. Sometimes, the inflammation is obvious, giving the skin a puffy,...
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Prepared by: Kristina Virro, R.H.N., Registered Psychotherapist| If there was ever a year that demanded resilience, it was 2020. After all, if resilience is defined as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, that is what 2020 was all about. We adapted to following arrows on the floors of grocery stores....
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Prepared by: Rachel Murray, R.H.N. What does Organic really mean? ‘Organic’ has become a very loose and overused term in our society. However, the systems that have been put in place, which I should add, are constantly evolving, that regulate organically grown foods and products are highly valued by those involved in both the production...
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