Hope I got your attention now !
Do you want to continue to access Natural Health Products ( NHP’s) & choose your own health care plan ?
Bill C-47 was passed on June 22nd, 2023. This bill must be repealed and your help is urgently needed.
NHPPA is by far the best organization to join & follow in this fight. As I stated previously, I worked with this constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley ( NHPPA ) back in 2008 on Bill C – 51 & 52. A link is provided so you can order or print cards for distribution.
We WILL be the force of CHANGE but ONLY if we ALL get involved & follow an action plan. We must fight to maintain autonomy over our own bodies. The right to choose our own health care is at stake for ourselves & our future clients.
Although FOOD is first & most important as Holistic Nutritionist’s we need access to NHP’s too.
NHPPA’s website is most informative where you can view videos & review the discussion paper on Bill C – 47. Attend Monday nights live chat to learn more!
Join Shawn Buckley & others for a live chat on Monday August 21st @ 7:30 ET.
See you there !
Kind Regards,
Carolyn May Steiss R.H.N.
Holistic Solutions Inc.
Mississauga CSNN Branch Manager
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
1107 Lorne Park Rd. Suite 203/205
Mississauga, Ontario