Join us to stop the company Bayer from selling genetically modified (GM) salad greens and seeds. These GM greens are mustard greens (Brassica juncea) that have been gene edited using CRISPR to taste less mustardy. Bayer’s GM greens are an attempt to break open the market for more gene-edited fruits and vegetables, and start selling...Read More
A trade dispute panel has ruled against Mexico’s restrictions on the use of genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) corn, siding with the US and Canada in forcing Mexico to remove its restrictions on the use of GM corn for food. Mexico’s restrictions were challenged under the Canada-United States-Mexico trade agreement (CUSMA) by the US...Read More
We have confirmation that, after over twenty years of protest, GM salmon has been shut down. The company AquaBounty has officially announced it is ending production of genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) salmon and closing down its last working operation. Yesterday’s announcement from the company comes just weeks after the federal and provincial governments...Read More
The biotechnology company AquaBounty has stopped producing its genetically modified (GM) salmon and faces potential collapse, yet the federal and PEI governments have just announced $231,095 in new funding to the company. Click here to read our press release. Yesterday, CBAN sent a letter to the Auditors General of Canada and PEI and to the...Read More
Exposing Corporate Lobbyists: In-person, Ottawa, Thursday, November 28 Global Insights and Action on GE Trees: Online, Sunday, December 1st Exposing GMO & Pesticide Corporate Lobbyists, Nov 28 · Visite guidée à Ottawa & dévoilement de la Cartographie des Lobbys des OGM et pesticides The Quebec CBAN member group Vigilance OGM invites you to join an in-person...Read More
Canadian government regulators colluded with the major biotech and pesticide company Bayer to stop a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides. Journalist Marc Fawcett-Atkinson at Canada’s National Observer has exposed how regulators helped Bayer undermine a study that shows high levels of neonicotinoid contamination in wetlands. The strategy was successful in stopping a proposed ban on three...Read More
Resistance in Canada is rebuilding to take on the threat of genetically engineered (genetically modified or GM) wheat as the world’s first GM wheat is grown in Argentina and Canadian government researchers are conducting field tests of unregulated gene-edited wheat in Alberta. Click here to read CBAN’s new factsheet on GM wheat. For more information...Read More
US company AquaBounty has closed its genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) salmon “tank farm” in Prince Edward Island and put the building up for sale. Currently, AquaBounty is not producing any GM salmon and has no working fish farm. Our press release today: GM Fish Factory in P.E.I. for Sale: Taxpayers Should Get Their...Read More
Genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) fresh sweet corn has been found in the produce sections of seven Whole Foods Markets in BC and Ontario: in Oakville, Mississauga, Yorkville, Yonge & Sheppard, and Ottawa, and in West Vancouver and Victoria. GM sweet corn could also be in the other stores in BC and Ontario. The...Read More
Last week, CBAN participated in a global scientific conference on genetically engineering trees that happened outside Washington DC. We were part of a small international delegation sent to investigate what researchers and companies are planning. Most of the research to genetically engineer trees is focused on reducing the amount of lignin in trees to make...Read More