

It’s a biologically chaotic phase, that time women endure leading up to menopause, called perimenopause – with such varied and intrusive symptoms, women want natural solutions.  More than 60% of women surveyed do not feel well-informed about menopause. Luckily, even small, healthy adjustments in your lifestyle can help. That’s right, ladies! It’s not just about...
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Menopause symptoms can be distressing – make it better with a holistic approach. Typically beginning in your 40s or early 50s, menopause can cause symptoms that last many  years – impacting the quality of life. Physical, mental, and sexual health can deteriorate. Plus, changes during menopause increase your risk of some diseases. Enjoy your best...
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Truth is, school-aged kids get sick. Luckily, we’ve got simple ways you can help your kids have a healthier school year. Let’s be honest – the worst part about back to school is the return of snotty noses, stomach flu, and other gross illnesses. (Along with coming up with healthy lunch box ideas). Is there...
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The Worst Foods for the Environment: What to Eat to Minimize Pollution What you eat has a very strong impact on the environment – thus, you can make a huge difference by choosing foods that minimize pollution. The most popularly consumed foods are some of the worst for the planet, according to scientists. How much...
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Worried about your budget? Think you have to choose between health or your finances? Let’s dive into this hot topic. How to make healthy food affordable (despite rising costs) Many people feel healthy eating is expensive – the cost of this nutrition myth is high. Researchers estimate the belief that healthy eating is expensive is...
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Green thumbs are not required to gain benefits from these easy-to-grow herbs – they are must-haves in your garden. Whether your garden is large, pots on your patio, or just a few pots inside your home these herbs with healing properies are great to grow for your body, mind, and soul.   Which Garden Herbs...
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It’s easier than you may think to get your family to eat more whole foods – plus, it is great for your family’s health and wellbeing! With these whole food tips and parenting hacks to help you get your kids on board, you and your family will be eating more whole foods in no time....
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Healthy School Lunch Ideas: 10 Tips to Pack a Better Lunch Box The best healthy school lunch foods are surprisingly easy and fun to make and can have kids of all ages excited for the lunchtime bell to ring. Are you thinking, “But, my kid won’t eat lunch if it’s healthy!” It’s worth giving these...
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What to Eat to Beat the Heat, including 5 Healthy BBQ Alternatives Worth Trying Splashing some cool, beautifully coloured, fresh produce onto your plate is a great way to serve up the best healthy foods to eat this summer. But, don’t forget the spice: there are some cool facts behind why so many warm climate...
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Guide to Healthy Grilling Smoking hot, tasty rubs, and food that’s charred to perfection are common expressions around a barbeque, we’re adding healthy grilling to the conversation. Commonly associated with sizzling hunks of meat, it’s time to flip notions about what you can grill. Some of the most delicious things to come off the barbeque...
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