Selenium – a mineral found in many foods – could reverse the cognitive impact of stroke and boost learning and memory in aging brains, according to University of Queensland research recently published in Cell Metabolism. Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) lead researcher Dr. Tara Walker said studies on the impact of exercise on the aging brain found levels...Read More
2022 Virtual Conference: Organic Climate Solutions Register now for upcoming expert-led sessions! Explore the dynamic ways in which organic farming benefits both farmers and the environment, offering expert insight into how to start, transition, or improve your organic farming system. January 24-29, 2022 Click here to register.Read More
There is a strong chance you’ve happened across this widely-shared article from the National Post already (6 minute read). Released on the evening on January 10, 2022, Dr. Jordan Peterson thoughtfully illuminated the concerns so many of us share. OPEN THE DAMN COUNTRY BACK UP, BEFORE CANADIANS WRECK SOMETHING WE CAN’T FIX -Dr. Jordan Peterson,...Read More
Growing up in India during the Second World War, Shiv Chopra was shaped by two of Mahatma Gandhi’s guiding principles: “Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt,” and “the first step in fighting injustice is to make it visible.” On January 7, the former Health Canada scientist and whistle-blower...Read More
Heath Canada did NOT announce deregulation of new GM foods yesterday as planned. Why not? Maybe there was a technical glitch in their launch, maybe they are adjusting their public relations messages after all your calls to the Minister of Health, or your actions slowed or stopped Health Canada’s plans. On Tuesday, the Minister’s office...Read More
Action #1 Tell the new Minister of Health, The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, to stop Health Canada’s proposal for corporate self-regulation of new genetically engineered foods. Click here to send your instant email from Action #2 Calling all organizations! Are you part of a local, regional or national group? CBAN is asking organizations to sign...Read More
Yesterday Nation Rising shared on our social media the news that the Province of Ontario is forking over $14M to help create a “swine research centre” in Elora, Ontario. The purpose they say is to use technology for “several research projects including animal health, nutrition and welfare, nutrient management, and reproduction among others”. As you...Read More
Ask your candidates: Do you support mandatory government safety assessments for all genetically engineered foods and seeds? If elected, would you ensure that all genetically engineered foods and seeds are regulated? New Action Resource! Click here to download the one-page to give to your candidates, or use as background when you ask your question at...Read More
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched a public consultation on a proposal to exempt many new genetically engineered (genetically modified or GM) plants from government regulation for environmental protection. This consultation on GM seed regulation follows a similar proposal from Health Canada that would hand many GM food safety assessments over to product...Read More
Evidence suggests gene moved from herring to smelt in process similar to genetic modification in the lab Millions of years before scientists created genetically modified Atlantic salmon with genes from two other fish, nature created genetically modified smelt with a gene from herring, growing evidence shows. And now the Canadian scientists who first proposed that...Read More